To Those who restart old topics...

I've noticed as of late that alot of people have started going back to topics started as far back as 2008....(yeh two years ago) and add like a sentence of their opinion to it. 

Those topics are past their time aren't relevant anymore (most of them anyway)

If someone asks "Who do you think won between Bama State and SU?" and this was asked in 2008, its no reason to go back and try and start it up's wayyyyyyyy past being seen, heard, analyzed, argued over, and put to bed.

So basically,


MarchingSport Management 

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  • YEAH!
  • cosigns
  • In 2011 someone will bring this same topic back up
  • Well many forums discourage the making of new threads about a topic that has already been discussed. Searching for a topic and responding to it, reagardless of age should be okay. That versus making a topic about something that has already been discussed on the forums. ie Southern vs Jackson... SU smashed ____ ... stop hating on SU... etc.
  • yeh but some have been bringing up those specific battles like SU vs JSU 08 (for example)

    bottom line if its been discussed, accepted, and put to bed, no need to wake it back up lol

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:
    Well many forums discourage the making of new threads about a topic that has already been discussed. Searching for a topic and responding to it, reagardless of age should be okay. That versus making a topic about something that has already been discussed on the forums. ie Southern vs Jackson... SU smashed ____ ... stop hating on SU... etc.
    To Those who restart old topics...
    I've noticed as of late that alot of people have started going back to topics started as far back as 2008....(yeh two years ago) and add like a sente…
  • Does it really matter? just let people enjoy the site without constantly closing topics. Its really annoying.
  • if the topics have no relevance, why should they be brought back up and clog up the pipeline, making a relevant topic get lost that could really important and informative for a member?
  • Alright!! You should've put Thanks, Management lol
  • It actually does matter. If it's so annoying, leave. It's stupid to bring back, say for instance, SU vs. TnSU 2007 and the last reply was made 10/28/2007. Why? What's the damn point? To get a word in when 9 times out of 10 that person wasnt even in that band yet.

    Trombone Kev said:
    Does it really matter? just let people enjoy the site without constantly closing topics. Its really annoying.
    To Those who restart old topics...
    I've noticed as of late that alot of people have started going back to topics started as far back as 2008....(yeh two years ago) and add like a sente…
  • lol i changed it

    Felicia said:
    Alright!! You should've put Thanks, Management lol
    To Those who restart old topics...
    I've noticed as of late that alot of people have started going back to topics started as far back as 2008....(yeh two years ago) and add like a sente…
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