
  • YUP, since 03 it was a good day for TxSU!!!
  • Congrats to TSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the way!!!!!!!!!!
  • I Blame Clarence Gibson for Changing the losing Streak.. I remember you passed out that song titled "Victory" subtitled "Hopefully we'll Win Some" ..LOL!!

    that could have been played


    The game was 14-7 at halftime and 21-21 after 3 quarters. By the time I knew it, TSU had scored 51. I was trippin'. Both bands sounded good. Why didn't Alcorn sit right in front of TSU? When they marched in, it looked like they were headed there, then kept going. Both bands were warned a couple of times for playing with the QB under center.
  • I like the wasy Alcorn has put some heat behind those horns now.
  • It actually was decent. TSU's side was pretty full, and Alcorn had a decent showing on their side as well, although the band had something to do with that as well.
  • lol TSU owns the state of mississippi this year I see
  • TxSU 2-1 vs SWAC

    L 7-17 PV
    W 19-17 JSU
    W 51-21 Alcorn

    Looks like they are no longer a SWAC doormat.
  • first half Alcorn (TxSU sounded BAD and had some tuning issues)

    Halftime toss up (Alcorn more complicated drill, TxSU cleaner dill and better sound)

    Second half TxSU (TxSU scored like 44 points in 2nd half allowing the band book to open up and unleash the Ocean, I guess halftime allowed them to get the sound together because they sounded wayyyyyy better in the the 2nd half. Not much Alcorn could do when their team was getting drugged and the band could barely play)

    mini 5th TxSU (only three songs each but standing in the middle of the field it was no contest. Both bands sounded good but TxSU was pushing too much Heat for Alcorn. When Alcorn played their first song, I thought TxSU was going to be in for it but when TxSU responded they put all doubt to rest)

    So overall TxSU gets the W, and not to take anything away from Alcorn because they are better than I have seen them in a long time. They still sound good and are putting some wattage behind the horns now.
  • YAY!
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