Unsupportive Oldheads !!!!!!!!!!

Im sure a lot of people may get offended on this subject but ah well, i dont care.  I have noticed a lot of oldheads both high school and college who are anti-supportive of the programs.  Last year, it was the Grambling people talking about Dr. Panell must go.  Friday night at my own school's game, oldheads were talking down.  Then Sunday at the Labor Day Classic, I visited both TXSU and PV alumni and all I heard were complaints about THEIR OWN BANDS.


This is how I honestly feel about alumni who complain and dont contribute: YOU SUCK AND HAVE NO LIFE.  (ahh I feel better.)


You guys have no idea what it is like for a band director to have to deal with wild students, parents who make strange requests, NO BUDGET, demanding administration then have to deal with Alumni saying little stuff.  I was really bothered when I went to TXSU's side and alumni were saying stuff like "This Ocean is nothing like how we were. These cats killing the program." And people from PV side saying "These boys aint the BOX" and booing them.


WTH is up with that? How can you hate on your own. 


Truth is the Ocean is nowhere near how it was in the 90s.  It is waaaaayy better so get over yourselves and make some donations to the band program.  IF youre on a budget, then hey donate water, valve oil, chairs, something.  Everybody is in a place to contribute SOMETHING.  The other truth is that the new PV drumline, like it or not is making history.  You really cant do anything but respect an all crab section who still wont claim your letters because they feel as if they havent earned them yet.  And I watched as these freshmen stood at attention all game, barely blinking, not talking and ignoring the jeers and harassment which came from old band members.  I was impressed.


All Im trying to say to all you bandheads is: Be supportive of your former band program whether you think its up to "your" standard or not.  Dont be negative and say lil comments about them and especially dont say anything negative to the current members.  It is offensive and it just shows that "Crabs in a barrel" mentality. 



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  • lmmfao

    Disco sTu said:


    Unsupportive Oldheads !!!!!!!!!!
    Im sure a lot of people may get offended on this subject but ah well, i dont care.  I have noticed a lot of oldheads both high school and college who…
  • When i was a crab 1993 the old heads came up to bandcamp and was talkin shit..."yall aint like us" "what yall doin" i would think to myself man get yo old asses outta hear it's about US now. WOW what a CRAB mentality i had..that's y i was a CRAB!! lolol So after the first season i looked and listened to us then to the older bands AND THEY WERE RIGHT...so u live and learn
  • Disco where do you get these videos from ?

  • Sometimes, I think that the older we get, and the more we are removed from the band world, the more conservative we are about our bands. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our "glory days" in the band, we react negatively when change occurs. But it really is a two way street. When current bandmembers seem to take the traditions that were in place LONG before they got there, throw them out of the window, and replace them with their own, it is understandable for older heads to get offended and react the way they do. It's almost like a slap in the face...and it kinda makes one wonder why the current members are even there...since it obviously wasn't about the tradition that we thought they wanted to be a part of. But that may be a mere misconception.

    On the other hand, to improve, change must occur. Sometimes we might not like all the changes that occur. But they have to happen. Otherwise, we'd be looking at the same old played out product that we've been used to seeing since forever.

    So both sides of the argument carry some merit. Oldheads don't like the idea of radical change. Newheads want to be innovative and creative and try something new and improve. Pick your side...lol

    But I feel what was said. If an oldhead is only capable of complaining, and refuses to contribute, then they suck...

    We gotta do better.
  • Won't down my band because it's apart of me and that means i'm downing myself. I give constructive criticism and encourage the students and I will take up for them when anyone downgrades the program. Some old heads and former members are just bitter azzholes, naive, liars, blinded by pride but majority have warped minds. If aspects aren't in effect like they were when they marched in the program and if things are being done differently but mentally they can't grasp it because things are done differently, that's on them.
  • That is so damn true. I didn't get the chance to be in a collegiate program but it irked the hell out of me when folk I marched with, and people before my time and after made comments about my former H.S band but u never saw them around until the big events for the band. Then they wanted to talk down on them.

    Another thing that irks me is the ones who do go off to an hbcu program and come back all high and mighty. Now that they have some letters or new peeps they act like they don't know a person or the program that helped them get to college. Wouldn't even help out at band camp!

    band alumni are a fickle breed. I recognized that crap early on in H.S and never wanted to be that way!
  • And lets not forget most of the time a change in band directors brings some of this on. When a new BD wants to make his band his own, and change some things old heads get upset. Then once the BD has put in 10-15 years into said program they want to be all friendly
  • My only thing is this.....old heads have the right to talk about their own band.....


    i hate old heads who tryna get brownie points from other schools, so they down their own program they are suppose to LOVE
  • FrostyNacho said:
    My only thing is this.....old heads have the right to talk about their own band.....


    i hate old heads who tryna get brownie points from other schools, so they down their own program they are suppose to LOVE

    Unsupportive Oldheads !!!!!!!!!!
    Im sure a lot of people may get offended on this subject but ah well, i dont care.  I have noticed a lot of oldheads both high school and college who…
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