TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - April 6, 2012 -

Florida A&M may have to use some sort of entertainment besides the famed Marching 100 Band at its football games. FAMU President James Ammons said Thursday he hasn't decided if the band will be reinstated before football season. He suspended in the wake of the death of a drum major, Robert Champion, which is being investigated as a hazing case. FAMU Director of Athletics Derek Horne said at a trustees meeting on Thursday that the school is waiting to see a report from a new anti-hazing committee to determine a response, and will look at other halftime entertainment possibilities. "Its new territory for us," Horne said. "But what we want to make sure that we can do is offer the best experience possible."

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - April 4, 2012 -

Florida A&M University is making plans in case the famed Marching 100 band is not available during the fall football season.

FAMU trustees heard a lengthy presentation on Wednesday about a more than $1 million deficit in the school's athletic program. It was during that discussion that FAMU officials acknowledged that they are looking at offering other entertainment in case the popular band remains on suspension.

FAMU President James Ammons suspended the band in the wake of the death of FAMU death major Robert Champion last November. He died following what police said was hazing while the band was in Orlando.

Trustees will consider Wednesday whether to adopt a new rule that requires all students and faculty to report allegations of hazing to police within 24 hours.


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  • RIP Marching 100

  • Its funny with all the craziness going on. The Music Dept is still doing so well at FAM. There are more students trying to get in. than get out. Go Ms. Jackson. FAM Music Dept Secretary... 

  • Have they defined what is considered hazing? If someone gets in your face and scream at you, is this considered hazing?

  • good question because they do that all the time in the army

    Eric said:

    Have they defined what is considered hazing? If someone gets in your face and scream at you, is this considered hazing?

    Update on FAMU: Famu may not perform at all this FALL. Halftime Entertainment Might Be New
    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - April 6, 2012 - Florida A&M may have to use some sort of entertainment besides the famed Marching 100 Band at its football g…
  • I feel like "rob champ" would want the 100 to march on 

  • why don't they feature high schools around Tally and possibly ATL to perform in their place? Most of the schools FAMU plays wont bring a band down there anyway

  • not the same as da 100 bo

  • hurting the school in money and recruitment....im sure there is some other means of punishment.....praying for the 100

    sleep well Robert......

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