Using this site to Serve The band community properly

This site like any other band site has allowed us to freely discuss & argue about bands. and that's okay because it's what drew us here. but I think it would be great if we were to share things that would help educate the young ones more often. From time to time I see things being posted that are helpful to students, but. I think it would be even greater if we made it an effort to Help'em all On call.

I also feel that those who are willing to read the threads and aren't afraid to seriously take part in the discussions could possibly get help with anything whether it be music or even homework not related to music.

 I believe that if this site was more helpful to the students, they'd feel more comfortable to ask for the help they need freely.WITHOUT BEING BELITTLED BY FOLKS IN COLLEGE. This site welcomes Those Discussions . but its up to us to bring forth and Promote the environment   Doing so would make a more credible public source to students. rather than the site being banned in schools or districts. 

I'm writing this partly because, I get Inboxed on Facebook from a kid at a high school here in N.O. he asks simple music related questions to help him. and I have no problem telling him what I know.  

Aside from that, many of the folks who are In college or out of college have Stopped coming here because it has always welcomed  high school students.  on that note. I'd rather be of Help than to just Let them be... and Do as they See . because it's not good for them

I'm just saying Bandheads, we gotta do better .. and I "The Book" can't do it on my own. this is YOUR site 

... "Teach them well and let them lead the way"... Whitney Houston. The Greatest Love of All  (lol)

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  • Most Def.

  • Message!!!

  • I been "here" for 10 years and i've seen the best and worst reasons why "They come and go" (boy .. but more seriously. it would be best to help than to distance ourselves from them

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