It Has Came To My Attention That Band Captains Play A different role in Certain Programs. In most programs Drum Majors Tend to have more control/leadership than a band captain would. And in some i notice that its the other way around. Me personally i believe that the drum Majors and band captain should be on one accord but the band captain should have a little more say so.. Post Opinions!!
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I was band captain my senior year. I did most of the stuff the DM's do in the DM thread, besides hold the title. I conducted the band and taught songs. I controlled the band (and even the DM) when they were cutting up. I was a liasion between the students to the band boosters/band director. I actually had a lot of "roles" that's probably doesn't even fit under the position of band captain, now that I think about it. Like said in the drum major thread, in the end, the only thing that matters is what the Director allows the DMs and Band Captain to do.
when i was in HS our band captain had more power...i believe one reason he wasnt DM because we needed him on a horn...DM arent always upperclassmen...mainly we always had to find someone who could fit the suit and do a backbend...Band Captain earned his spot by leadership and the respect of the fellow band members..DM the BD picked them..
It varies on which program you are in. Of course you know at St Aug, the drum majors were usually ranked higher then the band captain, but both still play a strong active role in leadership.
I guess it depends on what your drum majors do for a particular proogram. For example, are your drum majors their to entertain the crowd and dance, or direct the band and assist the directors in keeping control during practices and performances?
Also what type of leadership characters do your drum majors have? If they have trouble having their voices being heard then thats when a band captain should step in and take control. Every band that i've marched for in New Orleans the drum majors have had the most power.
Regardless of who has the most power, remember the main goal of your program. To constantly get better and strive for perfection.
Hope this was helpful
MPrice said: