
  • norfolk state
  • i feel u
  • Duke
  • NSU
  • either JSU or Nofolk
  • I believe that Texas Southern trumpets are the best
  • Univ. of Phoenix
  • Hands down Jackson State
  • i just need to know something. does numbers have an effect on this.

    if not, im not just going to say them because they are in the ocean

    I have to say T-Conn. because the numbers was not never over thirty this year and they still held their own.
  • Norfolk and TnState
    Norfolk because the have style, power, endurance,and screeamers
    TnState because they have style power, endurance , but less screamers than Norfolk but me and the other four are cuttin still and seeing you alredy have an upright trumpet i say you should head between the two. And, i can promise you will learn something at both schools.
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