What if?

I had a discussion one day with someone and he made a very valid point on making money for the SWAC and for the schools.Last year There was two games in Dallas.Grambling vs. Prarie ViewandTexas Southern vs. UAPBWhat if they make the two one big SWAC classic weekend.As usualThe four bands the night before have a repetoire sessionand the games on saturday.In this case all four school will have promising recruiting in the future.And I know it would be nice to finally go to a Bayou Classic. Because having TSU's games the same day as the classic is BS.

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  • Dallas SWAC classic..... with a 4 way BOTB...high school BOTB that friday.....but how would they decide which teams would play that weekend?
  • Uh, having two games in one city at the same time? The GSU/PV game would KILL any fan participation/ticket sales at TSU/UAPB.
    Look, here's the deal, you want a good BOTB- get these four to do one LEGITIMATELY somewhere like Dallas and advertise it CORRECTLY.
    And TSU will NEVER get fans for football until they
    1) realize the 3rd Ward is NOT where TSU needs to be as an institution
    2) get their heads out of they arse and send the coaches to NFL coaching clinics to actually learn how to coach and recruit. Is TSU recruiting from East Texas? West Texas?Heyall even on CAMPUS you can find folk who can play in the WEIGHT ROOM at the REC. TSU needs to fire MOST of the administration.
  • lol@this...interesting though
  • Thats a good idea but GSU pretty much has the Dallas crowd. They would have to sell the tickets as a 2 game event and combine all 4 schools at once... But I think something like that would cause fights between the schools when it comes time to devide the funds.

    But A 4-way BOTB would be sweet though.

    And TSU needs to work on the PR with the local media... They seem to be the topic of those "special investigations" every few months or so. If I were a parent and saw that I would definetly think twice. Because U have to be careful not to blink when something positive is said about TSU.

    Aviation building falling apart... But got money to fix it??? Why isnt it fixed? Wheres the money?
    Admin buying $20k of furniture with school funds???
    Bats flying around peoples children???

    And the coaching...lol... Those pin-heads coming out of HS have a dream to go pro because they actually think theyre that good. Coaches have to become better liars if they plan to recruit them. A $2million share of the new Dynamo stadium will prob help.
  • Lmao! I had forgot about that bat incident

    Chris said:
    Thats a good idea but GSU pretty much has the Dallas crowd. They would have to sell the tickets as a 2 game event and combine all 4 schools at once... But I think something like that would cause fights between the schools when it comes time to devide the funds.

    But A 4-way BOTB would be sweet though.

    And TSU needs to work on the PR with the local media... They seem to be the topic of those "special investigations" every few months or so. If I were a parent and saw that I would definetly think twice. Because U have to be careful not to blink when something positive is said about TSU.

    Aviation building falling apart... But got money to fix it??? Why isnt it fixed? Wheres the money?
    Admin buying $20k of furniture with school funds???
    Bats flying around peoples children???

    And the coaching...lol... Those pin-heads coming out of HS have a dream to go pro because they actually think theyre that good. Coaches have to become better liars if they plan to recruit them. A $2million share of the new Dynamo stadium will prob help.
    What if?
    I had a discussion one day with someone and he made a very valid point on making money for the SWAC and for the schools. Last year There was two gam…
  • I like the idea... i think if they made the Uapb/Tsu game a thursday night game then all four bands participated in a friday botb that would be tight then of course the Sat game..

    and extended swac classic weekend...
  • It would be nice...Friday couldnt be a battle of the bands though...cuz GSU has to do the high school battle of the bands special performance every year and then always have a pep-rally that night before the game. however i think this is how it should go.

    what if... Friday GSU could cancel going to the high school BOTB and around 1pm would be the 4 way College battle cuz of course is the dallas PV vs GSU alumni pep rally that night every year.

    and there could be two games Sat. just UAPB/TXSU would have to have the early game and GSU/PV would have the night game cuz thats also a state fair. it would be like a 1pm game and maybe a 6 pm game. and i agree that it would all have to be like a one ticket weekend event. or do like the bayou classic and buy battle of the band tickets seperatley and a 2-game saturday ticket.
  • 2005 bayou classic and labor day classic was on the same day!!!
  • Dre'Quynn said:
    2005 bayou classic and labor day classic was on the same day!!! same city and same place
  • that was because of Katrina. The Labor Day classic with PV vs. TSU was canceled because all the evacuees were at the astrodome and etc. that probably won't happen again. Bayou classic is usually one of the last games of the year, right after thanksgiving.

    as for the four way, i dunno.

    that is hectic the way it is now with just GSU and PV with the state fair going on at the same time. The Highschool BOTB's is always that SAT morning. and the winner does pregame. we've (PV) been playing for Townview every year on the friday night. dunno what GSU does. From what I understand, the TSU UAPB game was dead.

    But then again, The State fair classic wasn't all that great either with the new SWAC rules, maybe it'll be back to the old ones next year.

    Dre'Quynn said:
    Dre'Quynn said:
    2005 bayou classic and labor day classic was on the same day!!! same city and same place
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