Honestly i think the band that blow good music...some bands just blow becuz their bigger so therefore they think their LOud....but once yu think bout it at the end, the band that is just won really think they blowed the other band out wit their loudness...No...you got to have good sound, nice songs, and hard workin players to think you won.....!
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YEs i agree with yall cause really its not just about BLowing but is about playing the RIGHT PARTS,,and RIght NOtes so i go for the band that blow good music!!!
Band A- Known for their musicianship, superior scores at state comps for marching and concert, marches all styles
Band B- Known for crunk halftime shows and performances, average scores at state comps for marching and below average for concert, marches only one style
In a parade the two bands meet and both play Them Basses March. Band B plays it first, trumpets mess up the first several measures trying to play it in the altissimo range, low brass covers up the trio, woodwinds missing the runs.
Band A plays it back with excellent tone, the band as a whole knew the song and its dynamics, only a few mistakes
both bands blew the song, but only one had musicianship. same thing applys to pop music
This is a battle between a band that sounds great while playing loud (miller grove) and a band who, while still sounding good, you can tell that more time went into volume versus musicality
Ima use Them BAsses MArch for my example..
Band A- Known for their musicianship, superior scores at state comps for marching and concert, marches all styles
Band B- Known for crunk halftime shows and performances, average scores at state comps for marching and below average for concert, marches only one style
In a parade the two bands meet and both play Them Basses March. Band B plays it first, trumpets mess up the first several measures trying to play it in the altissimo range, low brass covers up the trio, woodwinds missing the runs.
Band A plays it back with excellent tone, the band as a whole knew the song and its dynamics, only a few mistakes
both bands blew the song, but only one had musicianship. same thing applys to pop music