i think we have to wait till the season come the SWAC is like seasons you never know what you going to get each day
JSU- consistent sound always but lack one thing but that doesnt make them bad now JSU has a new director over there who knows what he wants an can make even a better band but JSU will continue to be a swac TOP band imo.
SU- consistent at its best yet with the small issues over there SU never misses a beat with a small or large SU we saw su size grown an we saw them less i always loved a small SU but dont think SU will miss a beat either in 2012.
TXSU- one of the best in 2012 just lack tpets and txsu would be there field shows are nice ass heck an sound is there for their size im sure 2012 txsu would be good also as they have in the past seasons
GSU- 2011 showed and proved alot song, sound, an musically wise. If gsu can continue their improvement an stick to GSU then GSU will have a 3 year consistent season. Many ppl may say what they say about GSU has made a 49583 turn around lol since 09 and it shows in 2011 clips.
BAMA st- that 2011 band was the best i saw since 05 arrangements can get better but 2012 im sure oliver has alot to bring out and that BCU came will let us know whats in store for MMH IN 2012
alcorn- THAT jsu fifth alcorn did a good job never saw them hold a fifth like that in a LONGG TIME yet still not there im sure murry has his plans ready for 2012 and he know what a good alcorn can look like he been there two years now he should have full control over his program!
VALLEY- 2011 was better not great but better their field shows have gotten wayy better an them tubas are nice ass heck now lets get the rest of them horns ready. valley has a decent size just need to even out that intrumentation and valley would be fine
AAMU- 2011 was a flip flop band yet powerful an small field shows were the worse but sound was there just get them tpets we all love from aamu back consistent tbone section as they always had an thats what holds their band strong an tubas. ( have a director been hired yet)
PV- sure pv dont travel much but the swac know pv is not a push over at all! if pv continues to maintain that powerful sound an learn to control the lower brass PV will continue to be one of the top 5 swac bands.
UAPB- field shows an stand music be on lock can get a lil boring in a 5th but THEY HAVE A NICE SOUND! and can put on a good field show too UAPB is one of them bands that you have to come prepared for due to they will be the last band standing if they have to pull field show song out.
gsu vs uapb
su vs txsu
jsu- txsu
jsu vs gsu
bayou classic
pv vs jsu
gsu vs pv round 1
aamu vs uapb (wow)
alcorn vs jsu
su vs aamu
jsu vs bama st
magic city pregame
txsu vs bama st
swac championship
and so on in no order im just naming a few that just shows that the swac is getting there as of consistent game s and not one sided if ppl dont believe go on youtube an watch and of these fifths and you will see
I think its way to early to make a clear ranking list,but for now and as far as having a impact i will say the following...
10. GSU
9. Valley
7. PineBluff
6. Alcorn
5. PVU
4.Bama St.
3. JSU
1. TxSU - IMO for the 2012 have the biggest impact... New Stadium/Instruments! with new instrument sound is going to change all silver horns all same brands even if the band gets smaller sound i think is going to get bigger! and finally no more ducktape on horns...lol
bama st has all txsu has, but i dont get how a impact can effect something, no one can impact anything just get better in 2011 many bands were better than some. But how can you judge now? Just too soon. Look at 02 bands who were not good turn to top 4 spots in 03. Swac just not predicable at all. You can find rarely no bad 2011 clips. I love txsu band too they a band who will have u guessing whats next thats a gud thing. I hope they get butts in that new stadium too.
Idk have yall checked out Bama St facilities...recruitment is at an all time high for almost EVERY deparment on campus from the time I checked...idk bama st band program got a budget increase to go recruit people and MONEY TALKS!!!
10. Grambling
9.Alabama a&m
8.Prarie View
7. Uapb
6. Alcorn
5. .Valley
4. alabama st
3. jstate
2. su
1. txsu
i think we have to wait till the season come the SWAC is like seasons you never know what you going to get each day
JSU- consistent sound always but lack one thing but that doesnt make them bad now JSU has a new director over there who knows what he wants an can make even a better band but JSU will continue to be a swac TOP band imo.
SU- consistent at its best yet with the small issues over there SU never misses a beat with a small or large SU we saw su size grown an we saw them less i always loved a small SU but dont think SU will miss a beat either in 2012.
TXSU- one of the best in 2012 just lack tpets and txsu would be there field shows are nice ass heck an sound is there for their size im sure 2012 txsu would be good also as they have in the past seasons
GSU- 2011 showed and proved alot song, sound, an musically wise. If gsu can continue their improvement an stick to GSU then GSU will have a 3 year consistent season. Many ppl may say what they say about GSU has made a 49583 turn around lol since 09 and it shows in 2011 clips.
BAMA st- that 2011 band was the best i saw since 05 arrangements can get better but 2012 im sure oliver has alot to bring out and that BCU came will let us know whats in store for MMH IN 2012
alcorn- THAT jsu fifth alcorn did a good job never saw them hold a fifth like that in a LONGG TIME yet still not there im sure murry has his plans ready for 2012 and he know what a good alcorn can look like he been there two years now he should have full control over his program!
VALLEY- 2011 was better not great but better their field shows have gotten wayy better an them tubas are nice ass heck now lets get the rest of them horns ready. valley has a decent size just need to even out that intrumentation and valley would be fine
AAMU- 2011 was a flip flop band yet powerful an small field shows were the worse but sound was there just get them tpets we all love from aamu back consistent tbone section as they always had an thats what holds their band strong an tubas. ( have a director been hired yet)
PV- sure pv dont travel much but the swac know pv is not a push over at all! if pv continues to maintain that powerful sound an learn to control the lower brass PV will continue to be one of the top 5 swac bands.
UAPB- field shows an stand music be on lock can get a lil boring in a 5th but THEY HAVE A NICE SOUND! and can put on a good field show too UAPB is one of them bands that you have to come prepared for due to they will be the last band standing if they have to pull field show song out.
gsu vs uapb
su vs txsu
jsu- txsu
jsu vs gsu
bayou classic
pv vs jsu
gsu vs pv round 1
aamu vs uapb (wow)
alcorn vs jsu
su vs aamu
jsu vs bama st
magic city pregame
txsu vs bama st
swac championship
and so on in no order im just naming a few that just shows that the swac is getting there as of consistent game s and not one sided if ppl dont believe go on youtube an watch and of these fifths and you will see
I think its way to early to make a clear ranking list,but for now and as far as having a impact i will say the following...
10. GSU
9. Valley
7. PineBluff
6. Alcorn
5. PVU
4.Bama St.
3. JSU
1. TxSU - IMO for the 2012 have the biggest impact... New Stadium/Instruments! with new instrument sound is going to change all silver horns all same brands even if the band gets smaller sound i think is going to get bigger! and finally no more ducktape on horns...lol
Idk have yall checked out Bama St facilities...recruitment is at an all time high for almost EVERY deparment on campus from the time I checked...idk bama st band program got a budget increase to go recruit people and MONEY TALKS!!!
I think we slipping on JSU also being that they got a 500 RACKS donation
I know we (Bama State) will be doing big things! I want to get some new horns though... That's the main thing we're in need of in my opinion...
thats true, maybe they might travel more this upcoming yr!
Jarvis Carlisle said:
I hope so... I would love to seem them in Cramton Bowl...
DrumMasterStudios said: