
  • t bones in every band im accustom to.

  • trombones I have never seen any band otherwise. Now if u talking about including aux. (banner girls) idk, dc

  • The Tubas

    • Big asses in the back

      Book said:

      The Tubas

  • Whateva your biggest brass section is.....usually Trumpets or Tbonez for me....

  • bass drums.....

    then piccolos 

    then flags


  • Lmbo yall stupid
  • i actually would put the wood winds in the front.....because i hate watchin a parade and the band comes down the street blowin and the percussion rockin... and then u got the woodwinds in the back slawin it but it does sound retarded to me  its like the song goes away

  • true

    James Ledford said:

    i actually would put the wood winds in the front.....because i hate watchin a parade and the band comes down the street blowin and the percussion rockin... and then u got the woodwinds in the back slawin it but it does sound retarded to me  its like the song goes away

    Who do you think should lead bands in marching formation.
    I think that trumpets should lead then tbones then mellos then btones
  • my hairline

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