want to know you all's choice's on who iz gonna be the most beasty band this up coming school year.. i mean me and my fellow c/o 10 members are looking for good bands to go to ... so we need feed back. so leave a comments telling y and who iz gonna have the best band program this year.

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  • The M4
  • Just so we are clear on this issue, we ARE talking about NEXT year...right? Because some folks will come on here and talk about their band being the best band NEXT year because of something that happened LAST year. Those kinds of explanations just don't fly with me.
  • Valley
  • i won't say who will be the best next year but i will say that i've noticed over the years that usually the bands at the top stay there and every1 else usually try to pull the top bands down.so whoever was at the top last year will more than likely be there again.
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  • which means Southern will have the best band program once again

    greg said:
    i won't say who will be the best next year but i will say that i've noticed over the years that usually the bands at the top stay there and every1 else usually try to pull the top bands down.so whoever was at the top last year will more than likely be there again.
    Who is gonna have the best swac band this year?
    want to know you all's choice's on who iz gonna be the most beasty band this up coming school year.. i mean me and my fellow c/o 10 members are looki…
  • Oh...and while we are discussing the intentions of this thread...I know you've heard this before. But since you asked:

    You shouldn't go to a college because the band was/is "beasting". It's all about getting that education AND graduating.
  • obama jus started a marchin band, they crankin but they got some serious articulation problems sooooo.........im not sure who gon be the best
  • pretty much null an void...its SPRING SEMESTER...in the middle of recruiting season..an Good college bands are deep in concert season...no one is really gonna take this thread serious till august ....
  • my question is who is going to have the best concert band or wind symphony?
  • You about six months premature on this one. I'm sure a lot of the 2009 freshmen haven't even gotten acceptance letters yet.

    Oh, and another thing...go where you will be comfortable and succeed, not where random people want you to go. 9 times out of 10 it'll just be their school anyway.
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