Who's Number 3

As we all know, last season (and for a long time) the SWAC has been ran by..................

1. SU    1.JSU
2. JSU   2. SU  Order doesn't really matter becuz its there always the top 2

But who has been holding down the number 3 spot????

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  • True but we all knew that Uapb been in the top 3 mix for the last 10 years.. but JUST CAUSE OF THE HATE FOR Uapb. they dont blow enuff or i just dont like them smh..may be IF a band smash the 3....that will never happen tho.
  • lol@this topic..SMH....
  • Who's this grand jury that keeps crowning those two bands as the best in the SWAC year in year out? It seems like UAPB, AAMU, or ASU could pull off a perfect season and this invisible jury will still nutride the "BoomBox"
  • lol its no grand jury its just the truth, check out some of the older threads with the title best bands or top 10 bands etc. and more often than not you see SU and JSU at 1 or 2

    Rattler Of Venom said:
    Who's this grand jury that keeps crowning those two bands as the best in the SWAC year in year out? It seems like UAPB, AAMU, or ASU could pull off a perfect season and this invisible jury will still nutride the "BoomBox"
    Who's Number 3
    As we all know, last season (and for a long time) the SWAC has been ran by.................. 1. SU    1.JSU 2. JSU   2. SU  Order doesn't really matt…
  • I like some of UAPB's arrangements...

    I'll just leave it at that

    I'm not from the swac, so even though my opinion would be unbiased, it still wouldn't matter much...lol
  • JSU and SU have traditionally been SWAC favorites forever. Nobody can deny that. However, I don't think either run anything as far as SWAC bands go.

    It's been said, on any given Saturday, any SWAC band can heat up, or get cold. SU and JSU are no different, unless we are talking about a different SWAC, that ONLY consists of SU and JSU.

    I bet some "knat riders" ALREADY have their "Best SWAC bands of the 2010-11 season lists IN ORDER"...along with their synopsis, as well as their justifications as to why they are listed the way they are. And guess who will be at the top of the list? Yup...either SU or JSU. Whose at the bottom? Valley, GSU, and Alcorn, and the rest are placed randomly somewhere in the middle.

    So closed minded some of our bandfans can be. But it's their opinion. Can't knock'em for giving one.

    I just know I want to see TEN different SWAC bands this fall. Not SU, JSU, and 8 other bands trying to out SU, or JSU each other.
  • Just for the record some of what i posted was my opinion but most was like i said earlier previous "best swac bands" "top ten swac list" etc.
  • Rattler Of Venom said:
    Who's this grand jury that keeps crowning those two bands as the best in the SWAC year in year out? It seems like UAPB, AAMU, or ASU could pull off a perfect season and this invisible jury will still nutride the "BoomBox"

    It's not nut riding bro...its just the DAYUM truth......our worst bands are still better than alot of the other bands.....that's just how it is.....those other bands can pull off perfect seasons, but realize their perfect season is like a regular season to us.....

    JSU & SU don't have the luxury of waiting a whole month before the camera finally gets to us....or the camera stops filming after a certain game.....from September 1st to Turkey Day, we deliver the goods every game and thats what separates "us" from "them"


    and for the naysayers, this upcoming season, I challenge you guys to film and upload clips onto this site (and even TSPN/5Q) on a weekly basis (clips include halftime/5Q and random stand clips)....let's see how YOU sound day 1 and how you look....then after 11 weeks of footage, let's see how you sound/look during the final week of SWAC football
    Who's Number 3
    As we all know, last season (and for a long time) the SWAC has been ran by.................. 1. SU    1.JSU 2. JSU   2. SU  Order doesn't really matt…
  • PVSax99 said:
    JSU and SU have traditionally been SWAC favorites forever. Nobody can deny that. However, I don't think either run anything as far as SWAC bands go.

    It's been said, on any given Saturday, any SWAC band can heat up, or get cold. SU and JSU are no different, unless we are talking about a different SWAC, that ONLY consists of SU and JSU.

    I bet some "knat riders" ALREADY have their "Best SWAC bands of the 2010-11 season lists IN ORDER"...along with their synopsis, as well as their justifications as to why they are listed the way they are. And guess who will be at the top of the list? Yup...either SU or JSU. Whose at the bottom? Valley, GSU, and Alcorn, and the rest are placed randomly somewhere in the middle.

    So closed minded some of our bandfans can be. But it's their opinion. Can't knock'em for giving one.

    I just know I want to see TEN different SWAC bands this fall. Not SU, JSU, and 8 other bands trying to out SU, or JSU each other.

    Yes, there is a "Any given Saturday" thing.....but history has proven that the odds, and majority of the outcomes, tend to lean towards JSU/SU favor

    again.... =)
    Who's Number 3
    As we all know, last season (and for a long time) the SWAC has been ran by.................. 1. SU    1.JSU 2. JSU   2. SU  Order doesn't really matt…
  • well if thats what jsu thinks thats nice...but just know that there are bands that sound and drill better....so maybe your worst being better than other band's perfect seasons is a bit subjective if not completely......lets just be honest because pride doesn't suffice for fact....
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