you know who started the N.O Alumni band? ..young and future directors.. if you know a director willing to put something together. throw out the ideas and make it happen.. just that simple
Just imagine.. HUMB started when Gibson said "aye let's do this" and they had practice a week later
you know who started the N.O Alumni band? ..young and future directors.. if you know a director willing to put something together. throw out the ideas and make it happen.. just that simple
Just imagine.. HUMB started when Gibson said "aye let's do this" and they had practice a week later
That's what's up! appreciate that
man if dfw had an ulumni band..
dat shit would go hella raw know this has been spreading around right?
they've been talking about it.. just not come up yet.
A G said:
Dallas United Mass Band!
Or DUMB for short! Lmao
Im done forreal now