would be nice if the two conferences had more games vs each other besides the usual match-ups and meac/swac challenge .... like to see miss valley or txsu go head to head against norfolk or hampton
what do yall think wat schools would u like to see vs each other that havent really seen each other?
I BEEN saying that the meac/swac challenge should be a weekend event, when ALL 10 SWAC schools square off against 10 of the MEAC schools. Why WON'T this be done?
Tradiational Games plus it's one of the only times MEAC schools are able to fill schedule with FBS teams. It would be nice to have an annual square off with against both conferences but most likely due to bulk of schedule and schools not want to break annual games, this may never happen. You can forget about the return of the Heritage Bowl or possibly more difference teams in the challenge unless relocation or uninterested FBS schools come along in the future.
PVSax99 said:
You want see many swac/meac match-ups until the SWAC goes to a seven game mandate.