
  • Detroit Classic 04!
  • did u go to howard or bama st?? cuz if u went to howard man howard killed bama st on that field
  • I marched for HU and Im still waitin on bama st to admit they got the bizness on the field...
  • but stands yall didnt have a chance i will say that and bama st will admit that they will tell you they dont like field shows they perfer stands!!!! and thats where they got yall at it wasnt a one way battle yall both took a W that day one on field one in stands!!!
  • We didnt play that much because we were losing, but when we did play we sounded pretty good. I couldnt hear bama state across the field....that dome is bad for i know they probably couldnt hear us at all.
  • all them mikes back to back and when a band plays u hear a trumpet after the band played lol domes are never good for stands but great for fielddd very greatt. i liked that heart things yall did onthe field gsu did the same thing at honda 2003 the yar before at honda an made the same formation and play the same song!!!! but that was by far one of howard"s best showwww since 2003 defeat the beats.
  • 2003 defeat the beat was my 2nd favorite show i did...we were robbed, tho!!
  • detroit classic 04....tribute to detroit pistons had the dome on its feet
    mcc big gig
    gcc 05....tribute to hurricane katrina vicitims and tribute to the relief effort
  • It's hard to choose....I loved our show against Alcorn in 06 at the Silver Dollar Classic, but I also loved our performence at the Durham BOTB in 07....

    Eventho I was not in this performance, I also loved the Angel City Classic against PVU in 08
  • We have had many good shows, so i will only 3 up!

    08 GSU vs JSU

    Bayou Classic 07

    GSU vs Alcorn 07
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