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I want to know if there is anyone with the clips of Smiley, Willowridge, Central from the 2004 MLK Battle of the Bands at Robertson Stadium(the one where LLI and St. Aug cameif anyone has those 3 bands on tape from that legendary night, please send t

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The Mitchell battle of the bands!!!!!

Mitchell will be hosting a battle of the bands at mitchell highschool on April the 17th. We would like everyone who can to come at and enjoy a show with the Marching Tiger Sound Machine. Come out and represent your school, your city, your frat or sor

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Old Members In Your Band

I just had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who happens to be an HBCU director. He told me that he was going to denie all of his "6" year marchers because they were a problem the past season. I almost fell out laughing when I heard t

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