AAMU vs Jackson State 2005 Fifth Quarter

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The 2005 Fifth Quarter between The Showband of the South and the Sonic Boom of the South

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  • Dam what was up with the Boom that year? Wow!!!
  • yeah you right blessedbtone neither was on it just to much in the sound dept this clip...ive hear both better...but AAMU was a lil bit better
  • We both slick suck but AAMU got this one, that year felt like the great depression lol
  • AAMU tore JSU ass up
  • smh at cutting off the marches
  • jsu was so small
  • @ TBoneSuave...IKR....dude said "don't play no march" "Do what we do" and A&M plays a march and they cut it...lol
  • lol @ not recording EITHER MARCH
  • why was AAMU Drum line so big.


  • why was AAMU Drum line so big.


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