AAMU VS PVAMU 5th (1 & out) SCG 2009

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AAMU VS PV short 5th PVAMU played Knights by Knights again and AAMU played RADAR & MAYBACH MUSIC. Swac championship 2009.

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  • First Great Job MMW!
    second LOL at PVAMU they got the Hell out of their; it was too cold.
  • 1.why pv only have 6 trombones...2. Pv doesnt sound too hot!
  • well I couldnt get on the field and didnt wana walk on pv side, either way it go aamu was blowing, I'm sure it was a good sound on pv side.
  • i hate when 5ths are recorded closer to one band than the other...lol...guess PV chose a song where they didn't have to have a heavy chord structure.A&M sounded better overall, but i wish the storm was at full force then it woulda been a fair judgement
  • TRASH!!!
  • I wouldn't have played that shiat
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