Alcorn vs Langston 't-bones" 2010

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  • You are right, call outs and fanfares are pointless...especially when a section will blow 20 fanfares in 1 quarter, but their fieldshow music and stands music in that same section sounds like crap...
  • Brings back some memories. I remember sitting in the dormitory room in Men's Tower when Urist (Trombone section leader) and I (Baritone Section leader at the time) made this solo ( Baby Brown) in 1993. This was originally a baritone call out but the LAZY people in my section thought playing fanfares and call outs were pointless so I passed to the Trombones. Now as a band director I sometimes agree with that thought about playing fanfares, solos etc.. Anyway, nice job! my fellow alcornites. although I do remember us almost having 20 more trombones than what is in this clip.
  • -.-
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