ASU-Bump & Grind Fanfare

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us playing r kellys bump & grind vs UAPB

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  • u heard it right here frm doc, greggs lol
  • u guys claim hate but if u have such a sad tpet section why would u have so many btones that dont help the situation n it shows u only care about numbers
  • also ya'll use this same chord progression scheme with alot of ya'll slow songs fanfares.....with out the trumpets i would hav the slightest idea wut the hell ya'll are playing...sounds good tho jus startin to sound repetitive
  • well seeing that im the only 1 who mentioned ya'll trumpets i assume ur 1st comment is directed towards me..and if u read my statement correctly i said ya'll lacked trumpets but i also said they was pushin on this song...something we havent heard this season outside of the screaming and i started with good job mmh.....stop bitchn and get ya'll game up if u really think ya'll the top band in the swac...u see how they come at su...da same shit so get used to it...Personally besides some balance issues this is the best ya'll sounded since 97....dis is the yr jamaican funk shoulda been brought back not 08!!
  • The sad part is that it's old people such as Greg, and Darrick aka juke 87 need I say more, let me know because I will be more than happy too. These dudes must not have a life at all out side of bands they are no longer a part of! Not our fault they marched when bands had wooden instruments!!
  • @ The One, you are so right, if ASU sounds so horrible why do the same haters comment on every clip? LMAO It makes no sense, same people year after year, clip after clip!! Bands I don't care for I dont view their clips or anything for that matter! I heard ASU for myself and they have a great sound so far!!!
  • Man something is extremely wrong with you ppl that never want to give credit where credit is due.... U, J-Stankers are weak, this fanfare compared to your full version is beautiful, the chord structure and progressions in this Fanfare is beyond beautiful, so what of our lack of trumpets, its called quality not quantity, you can have 3 rows of trumpets and only your first row can Read! and Play and SCream and the rest are just quality horn holders..and trumpets are holding it down because you still here the plz stop hatin on us!!! Be blessed you guys
  • good job mmh..major improvement in this song trumpet...ya'll still gettin covered up but thats out of ya'll hands do to the size of the rest of the band...ya'll held down the melody tho
  • I agree. I didnt think a band dat sounded so bad would get so many comments.
  • Take note from sonic boom of the south. nigga get in a car and run over urself
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