austin stands 3

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  • them mellos is tha best section!
  • i aint gon lie i think they best section is tha mellos
  • lol
  • I think if our trumpets are goin to scream they should hold the note out. My section killed(the mellos).
  • DASB yall niggas are tripping, i guess yall don't practicing blending, and again yall just playing for the hell of it and it sounds shitty!!!. But good job MELLOS lol.
    GHASB this would of been a blowout if he upper brass would of picked up they nuts, but good song selection to that bull that was just played. But upper brass yall sucking the intensity down. Great job both of yall!!!
  • dfw mellos were pretty wtf were the dm's thinkin......ghasb was slightly better this round
  • DFW: the mellos sounded straight...
    the only issue was a few slide out of notes by the trumpets.

    GH.. as usual the upper brass is not projecting enough the baritones are carrying the melody too much
    and at certain "stand out points" [it's obvious which those are to most listeners] you only hear one or two people playing the notes...
  • DFWASB had the energy...but they aren't in control of their sound just yet
    GHASB has a more mature sound to me....they are just light in the upper brass
  • dey sounded betta on da field... if u ask me ...
  • dfw mellows and trumpets didn't sound clean
    i personally think houston took this round.
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