austin stands 5

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  • say trice dont the drum major look like david lol
  • lil TSU
  • DASB, way better on this song, great job except fot them trumpets, it was going good until that. Great job on this round!!!
    GHASB, dont give melodies to your upper brass, cuz they not gonna take yall to the victory, stick with the lower brass!!!!! Aight but i give dallas this round!!!!
  • i see ya'll cleaned up the boss......ill give dfw this round by a slight margin because da blowin part on off the wall.......W00T......but dfw took this round
  • so.. no comments from houston people here? lol
    just sayin... comment on all if you're going to on some.. but with that outta the way

    this is sorta like Round 1 was.. a drill song vs. something
    ofcourse it's in the bag..

    dfw: lol at 1:00 when all those SU helpers turn and lok at the trumpet.
    other than that moment.. very nice..

    gh:trumpets.. you comment about the random screaming yet you do so when coming in at a part or two
    some parts should be cleaned up mainly in the mello section
    the main motive of the song is nice, the only thing I found distracting was the baritone part stopping and taking a breath between the line but it was done during all the times so at least consistant. [2:36 is an example]
  • DFWASB Sound real good on this one
    Ghasb did kinda
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