this guy truthteller is a weirdo..unlike jstate, Southern doesn't sit around and watch band clips of other bands, case in point, on just about every song that Southern plays jstate is already up and at em ready to play right when Southern plays their last note...clip watchin fools
u dumb motherfuckers can not sit here in watch this video or better yet go to the game and say su had more power than jsu in the 5th u stupid ignorant non musically oriented down SUyndrome havin ass niggas su saved their power for the second half its evident watch the power teaser and watch the power after half time their volume increased but what happened in the 0 and the 5th come on.... guys jsu played panty dropper and it took su 30 seconds to get up someone tell me why it took so long?
and the only reason I say JSU wins the 5th is because the enviornment of the game gives them the win because their fans was in good spirit but if you actually listen to the songs than you'll know the real!!!