Cedar Grove "Twisted" 1997 @ Reed/"K"' Game

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New Orleans,la

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  • Everybody from Ceder Grove that year is some legends simply because they played in Pan-Am lol
  • Looking for that game to be exposed. im waiting for a real battle of the bands tape that was never seen and that is it right there.
  • DAMM that is why bonds played that loll
  • didn't Cedar Grove practice at St. Aug that weekend too?
  • Yea bruh.... it was real in the field back in those days lol....
  • Yea 9th ward I remember that who do i turn yall boyz was COMIN that day !! that missin you was a fool to.. shid everything yall play was nice master blaster,give it to me baby........... I could go on..... and kennedy had smooth powerful sound that I will alway remember.... Kennedy had a nice book.. back in stride,golden time of day,stay and secret rendezvous i could go on and on lol..
  • lmao.. I i didnt go to kennedy yet. .. i was viewin' from outside..lol
  • i was in 8th grade on tuba in middle school.. i came to that game in a band suit ..lol
  • Man I remember this weekend like it was yesterday Kennedy Reed game saturday......... Had to be up for 630 sunday morning for rehearsal for the Saints game then back to the ATL for the marching band festival on monday....
  • Junior year baby basshorn section leader........ 1st tuba player at the bottom on the right side of your screen....
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