Clarinet Concertino Excerpt-Weber-PJ_StanleyDruckerJr

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Excerpt warmup from Carl Maria von Weber's Concertino for Clarinet and Orchestra...Played at apartment volume (with the proper dynamics and accidentals memorized)...April 13, 2011. I'm on (creolelady98)

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  • LOL and to top it off, this clip was like 10 pages down when he commented on it....he SEARCHED for ya baby!!! Then have the nerve to say I pulled his little file, nobody cares about his file smh......I just wanna hear him play, speak thru the horn...
  • And I promise you that your career is capped out, you know that too.....thats the furthest you're gonna go, so enjoy!!!!
  • LOL @ Antonio Gardner....I'll leave your kids out of it...but you are a disgrace to ANYONE considering furthering their Music Education through your program.  I'm just glad my kids don't/won't experience the same....smdh
  • Ah, dats so nice of you...  Dats not my dreads, thats the fecal matter still stuck to you clarinet that you smell. Your clarinet don't belong up your ass. DORK!! Go ahead and type your letter, sir. Would you like a letterhead? You know the address already, you FOUND it on the net a long time ago. I have paper trail of my credetials, son. and, all they have to do is pull my file. She even may find your name in my  file already from a lesson plan with a music critique i had the students do, while listening to your scales(the 1st clip you did) and a couple of other clips of various musicians. Most of them noted that you slured everything they even manage to put it on the right line that said "articulation" (DHS can't be doing that bad, we know it can be better... IN DUE TIME), nevertheless, they thought you were pretty good...IM NOT CONVINCED... Yall NOBODIES TRYNA BE SOMEBODY...She LAME andYou FAKE...




  • I get tired of this and other haters sweating me... I guess now that school is out and his POO program/school has fallen like the walls of Jericho, he'll continue listening to quality music.... He can continue talkin with my sack in his mouth.... Gobble Gobble... He needs attention, but I forgot he's been dismissed many times before, yet continues researching/stalking me. Don't make me get an order against you. Oh, I forgot, they might refuse the order, stating that I get full warning before you're around, smelling those dreads from a mile away. I love to write professional letters, so keep on talkin AT and following me and I'll have a reason to add to the other info/bs I previously recorded by you under your name and your alias, since you're so "HONEST", I wan't the truth to be reciprocated.... You better ask another BD on here how I have no problem with chain of command... He's already on egg shells.... keep cluckin chicken.....


  • SMH, Antonio Antonio....I see you are still stalking the hubby LOL, and you even took the time out to look up the alleged "imitated" clip and post it...I'm glad you did though :-)...On another note, its looks like you're tooting a trumpet in your profile pic, let's hear what you have going on Mister Band Director, so we can see how well YOU can imitate....;-)

    This exerpt starts @ 3:14


    Phoney..... How do you suck at imitating???.....Interesting!!!

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