GSU Neck/We Ready vs LaTech 2010

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world famed playin neck followed by "school chant" we ready at Port City Classic

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  • I will say this, Im not to pleased with the sound of the section either. But its the first game. Conn is the best sousaphone to get for your marching band, Gram plays on bach and few old conns that have been refurbished. To the young man that says Gram always had the worst tubas in the swac, since when. When I was in the band (98-01) only school in the swac that gave us compition was PV.
  • Those are Yamaha sousaphones..which still suck compared to Conn 20K's
  • RJ1919, after spending some quality time with Google, I have confirmed what you said about those being Bach sousaphones. God, those things suck! If I was told I had to march one of those, I'd stop marching and just stick to being in Wind Ensemble. I don't know if I could march one of those even if I was offered a full ride to a school. They just sound bad. I mean, everything but the King and Conn horns sound bad. But Bach is one of the CHEAP sounding brands. That's not a remark on cost, just the amount of effort put into the design. Those things are horrible. And now I am giving GSUs tubas a bit more credit because of that. lol
  • LMFAO AT THE GUY DANCING WITH THE GLOCKENSPIEL!!!!! I'm not trying to hate, but I REALLY did not expect to see that. That looks like it'd be difficult as all hell to play while doing that.I can't believe the keys never fall off. Still, mad respect for even HAVING a pit.
  • LMAO yeah that sun was a beast.
  • holy shit the fucking sun is getting on my nerves in this clip lol
  • Well Mr Raymond Baker if you would have been more clear of what you talking about i probably wouldn't had gotten all Debo on you, they know what needs to clean up and to be the first game i think they did well and they have two weeks, well i week and some days now to clean things up before the public sees them again and before they meet up with JSU.
  • ion know why those bells are so funny to me I'm glad PB got rid of that a long time ago...but um GSU never dissappoints me with neck I can honestly say that..and they didn't dissapoint on this clip..keep it up folks!!
  • I never said that the tubas weren't playing 2-3 different parts, I clearly heard that. I was commenting on the "We ready" solo that was played. Please explain to me how I am wrong. I simply stated my opinion on the clip and gave some contructed criticism. Honestly, whether you like what I say or not is none of my concern. I wasn't talking trash or being ignorant. Take it back to the bandroom and fix it. Its that simple.
  • Dude the tubas are playing like 2 to 3 parts on Neck, not one part like everyone else plays Neck. Loud isn't what Grambling strives for either so wrong again. smh. Just look at other Neck clip away from the camera and you would see how everything fits. WOW. Here is that clip and you will see how it fits:
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