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JACKSON STATE FIELDSHOW JACKSON BOTB 2010...........Bed Intruder Skit..Funny 8:59

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  • PackmanTOP , you really sound bad

    FAMU and SU's My My My start off the same because that's how the Soprano Sax starts off in the live concert version of the song.

    The key is different, the tuba part is different, some chords are different, the trumpet run is different (although Johnny Gill sings the run,,,its in the song) The bridge is different, the ending is different, lastly they are two entirely different arrangements that are similar in some ways because its based off the same song!

    SU 1990 version is different, but its two different arrangers. I think you're reaching to say SU copied FAMU. Just admit it sounds good and SUs sound is better than JSU
  • Nice Show!!!Crowd was into it!!! I wonder if there is any footage from the Valley game??
  • when they started doing skits like that in the dance rountine??? FAIL! lol
  • Take your own advice then start talking. Until then..........stfu
  • Prime Example!!! lol Fail*
  • JSUBoomBoi07 you might wanna stfu with that talkin bout "no life" nonsense. I'm pretty sure one of your fellow Stankers has no life since he dedicated a whole thread to us. I'm just saying.
  • su go on yall own clips damn yall niggas dont have not else to do with yall lives
  • wait ya'll are happy with this show smh. its the same show ya'll been doing the only difference is the step 2 started from the end and ya'll came on from the side. same messed up JSU same messed up step 2, same horrible 8 to 5, same bad spacing etc. etc.
  • PV arrangement of 3 is better IMO
  • SU didn't do skits check ya facts frosty... energizer bunny, freddy kruger etc. people be bringin up doc greggs name like they knew him lmao
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