Jackson State University (2012) - Halftime Show - Southern Heritage Classic

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Jackson State University (2012) - Halftime Show - Southern Heritage Classic

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  • @paul bands been playing the hay song in the field show for yearsss many bands marched off to it too gsu su and so on its a crowd pleaser

  • look at that marching damnnnn i know them and SU gon finally go at it field wise jsu marching is back not perfect but its back good job boom

  • WOW JACKSON STATE MAY BE SMALL BUT THEY SOUND GOOD AS HELL!!!!!!....BOYS MARCHING TOOO....MAN (D.TAYLOR)..... thank you for bringing back the sonic boom my teacher use to always talk about.. so clean and so nice( thumbs UP)

  • The HEY SONG in a field show?...WTF

  • This is the JSU that I've been missing over the past several years....Glad they went back to their roots. Great job Boom!

  • -___-

  • ......and again @ 7:26 on the 35 yard lines. 

  • JSU is killin them drills this year! Check out the squad at the 50 yard line @ 4:55! Take notes! 

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