Jackson State University- 2012 Honda Practice Fail...

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In their defense the field was nothing but water and mud. In no condition for them to practice on really. Well....enjoy! Twitter: https://twitter.com/BandTubeHD

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  • lol oh I saw it hahahaha too funny

  • @ Payton Brown....If you look closely a tuba player fell worse than the trumpet player did..... around 0:06..

  • LMAO !!!! Classic...you see the tubas were being hella careful 

  • dont feel bad big homie!..it happens to the best of us...look at the side of him when he got up!...damn i cant even laugh...just imagine what he went throught from then on til he got back to change...and who "agreed" to let a band march on a field like that?..lol...parking lot!
  • Lmao, dude whole left side was muddy.....
  • Well 2mooth, that didn't work either.  But yea....mud and Tiger Run On don't mix well together.  That's why I'm glad I'm WT, I don't have to worry about that lol.  But how he fell down, glad that he didn't break his wrist or something like that.

  • lmao

  • Lol man if yall knew how MUDDY that highschool's field was. Lol thats why no one is doing it forreal, EVERYBODY was trying not to fall lol

  • Everything is better in slow motion :-) **dave chapelle**

  • on the bright side this is the best they've looked in years

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