JSU- 5th Quarter #2 "Party" 2011

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JSU- 5th Quarter #2 "Party" 2011

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  • since when do we make a logical discussion board on how a band sounds while being viewed from a side angle..  I must say, out of all the SU people, the one that i just never get is this DT Classic jackass..  JSTATE  could play gospel all nite and this cat WILL find some kind of flaw... "They still didn't play Never Would Have Made it."----smh....So the Boom never plays anything good huh bruh???
  • uhh ookk... band head found his director's quote in the band hall and recited it... Wow.. U still didn't explain WHY THIS SONG is choppy!!! you just gave a profound synopsis on breathing... Eloquent, but does not accurately account for this particular song.
  • Shouldn't leave the car running while you write music.
  • It just needs to be FUNKED/GROOVED more with that bassline coming thru more, and it is written just like the song till after the brigde..where as this arranger ends the song but the actual songs keeps going, and I'm just saying that part could have been incorporated into this arrangement. BECUZ OUR DAWGZ BITE LOL I also understand that's what makes arrangments unique, jus my opionion ..still a decent arrangment.

  • Naw. Wrote it this summer. And its a good arrangment. Just cuz it don't sound like the 1st one you heard means nothin. This is how the song goes lol. And this is a bad clip. Just incase no one noticed lol
  • I bet if a breakdown wit the tuba part rockin was put in..the bitch would slam a lil more. Soundin good though
  • this is a poor arrangement of that song whoever wrote it was in a hurry. hope the boom have it together this weekend.
  • lol at the actual ending to the song!!!
  • epic fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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