JSU/PVU - I Need a Doctor Battle 2011

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click on 720HD for better quality ... Sonic Boom and Marching Storm playing theit short versions of I need a doctor .. Shreveport Classic 2011

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  • @ Ricky...The Boom WAS loud on it!! Wut u mean?!...and there is a BIG volume difference...As opposed to the Boom, Pv played this with no kinda intensity...

  • i dont care what anybody say,,, PVU dum mane i'll say there in the top 10 better yet the top 5 bands in the country their under rated just like tnsu

  • PV's arrangement was in the actual key of the song. and there is a volume difference but not by that much its not like the Boom was just loud on it. And yeah PV played the whole song.

  • Both had a lot of power, pv got the better arrangment tho..jsu shoulda put the it in the key tha real song is in

  • Didn't like the key that PV's arrangement was in but they dont sound bad...Jsu obviously had more power..

  • PV arrangement is too jumbled up, can't even hear the melody

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