Kappa Kappa Psi from Prairie View A&M U at 2009 PVAMU Homecoming Stepshow

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  • Good Sh!t frat!!!!!! Ya'll boyz r crazy!!!

    To Bandhead06: Its an honor to be SELECTED to serve....some of us just weren't quite so lucky

    MLITB D Psi!
  • Bandfan06......obviously your to IMMATURE or your JUST NOT CONFIDENT WITH YOUR SEXULITY to sit and watch this show and give accolades for the performance....thats whatz wrong with alot of young men now-a-days with my skin tone!!!!!! GROW UP.....REAL NI%$A SH*T BRO....IT WILLGET YOU ALOT FURTHER IN LIFE
  • AEA
  • Yall obviously don't know anything bout the Delta Psi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi when it comes to stepping, the show was tight so stop hating. We respect Divine 9 to the fullest, but you gotta give credit where credit is due.
  • if you knew tha bruhs as we're known on the yard, we are the furthest from anything like that, which is why its always so funny when it's done.
  • If they won 1st place with this I hate to see the divine 9s. This looks insulting to Psi..they act like h o m o s on here. Wearing f a g shirts and dancing to f a g skits...cmon...not good..thats my opinion though
  • nnnnnnnnnnnnnn' phiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ooooooooooooooooooo' shit
  • soooo..the theme of their show was theevolution of fags?..interesting
  • this was tight bruhs..AEA!!!!!! keep strivin
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