Magic City Classic 2010 Preview/ Teaser!! Enjoy

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A preview vid I made for MCC 2010 to hype things up and for entertainment, comparing ASU & AAMU Bands using vids I recorded & others recorded. Hope You All enjoy. For My self Idk what band or team will take the battle gona be a good one this year, if this Classic Isn't the biggest of all its one of the biggest. Enjoy band heads! Oct 30, 2010!!

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  • dude u talk a lot of trash via the internet but i doubt very seriously u would say any of these things in person kinda like the rest of your non musician counterparts and even more your screen name says a lot.a freakin band fan a freakin groupie.i can comment onany and every post if i so choose and if they set an age limit this would not have happened cause u young f**ks not smart enuff to come up with something like this and besides since u r sooo dedicated to asu u would only post their clips and it would sure be dead on here.but i do love how when i post i can expect a response from u kinda like u r my groupie lol
  • @ Greg, sit your old tale dowm!!! Can we please set an age limit on this site lol!! He has know life!!! Its funny how you come out of the nursing home to comment on a ASU & A&M post, and hardly made any comments on the SU and JSU clips old man!! Go do something with yourself! This is ASU & A&M we been doing this before anyone else, so sit back and watch, its all out of love between us! You talk about ASU and A&M dont get on here and fake it now!
  • A&M sound like a high school bands....yall have no room to discuss any blow outs. Trumpets yall may as well not attempt to even scream. It is thin and high schoolish. sorry yall
  • based on the clips it depends on what ppl gonna judge this battle on if its volume asu wins easily but if its on quality aamu is miles ahead. just listen to champagne life from both bands its like nite n day
  • like those clips of your trumpets just standing around waiting to come in on there part and still sounding thin. Smh. Gay n nem still skating on them schilkes.
  • @bandfan21 NO. We only allow real musicians in our program, not hornholders like ASWHO? get right son.
  • LOL, atleast A&M know they are wack!!
  • ASU straight WACK! sad part yall think yall be on beast mode. LOL.
  • Empty arse gay n nem arr. the same as always. sigh. see yall at the classic.
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