My arrangement of "Power Rangers"

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This is my first attempt at writing drum parts so yeah, not that great at it yet. Also, for some reason the tenor saxes and bass drums are SUPER loud compared to everything else.

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  • Man I take off my hat to u on this
  • Genius, Yes !!!!!
  • RedDawgTeam62, I promise I did put the melody in there.  For some reason, Sibelius plays it back with the tenor saxes and bass drums drowning out the trumpets and altos who have the melodic part.  It does sound pretty empty but it's because the melody is being drowned out for some reason.

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  • U should go back and put the melody in where the dude it actually singing. Song kinda empty like this, like its just an instrumental. But other than that its good.....
  • i would love to see a band play this lol
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