New Orleans state of mind

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da best yull ever hear dis song played by any band STRAIGHT UP

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  • need to put this in HD


  • That band in this clip isn't the same band that played against HUMB .. this was the band that played at Brandon Franklin's funeral.

    The Band you're refering to is N.O Alumni All Star Band which was much smaller. but i know exactly what you're talking about. it's what the Directors accepted. and they all know what was bad. but end the end it started something Good. so hey I'm all for it.

    I was in the NOPS All Star band in 2000. I was a crab in 99 so i couldn't do it
  • that was like the first 2nd day of practice.. by the 5th day it was way better.. it was expected. bands dont sound as powerful in N.O anymore and that situation brought was a big help in the revival of bands here
  • 1 part played throughout most every section. Good wind, lots of power, lots of energy, lots of range....but I hear ONE part being played in every section. 8 wind sections....leaves LOTS of room to play and execute voices throughout the ensemble. If the goal was smash in your face then yes, it did just that. If a band with less punch but more parts and good projection/tone cranked it choose that band. Real talk. I'm glad to see your city rebuilding and instilling the heart to take a horn and make it sing which so paramount to the future of musical BLACK expression....keep blowing kids. Work on 2nd, 3rd and even 4th part. Make it SING...
  • thats not the best that you will hear by any band the best would be from the honda battle of the bands when we were coming off of the field. we being Southern
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