O.P. Walker Muses 2012 "Hey Baby"

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Krewe of Muses Mardi Gras 2012. Walker has all of Napoleon Ave. singing

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  • That man jus was saying that us and aug is the only schools thats sorta pre-katrina ! Its not a competition we jus do it for fun ..I went to aug,i know they whole band..after every battle im on the phone with these dudes ! were in high school its only fun not no major band war lmao

  • Every time sum1 say sum10 gud about walker it seems like day always got to put da aug in the shit. Fuck let walker get their props win day do sum10 gud. Everything walker do is not for st. Aug. Walker jst be havina gud time. Walker play different for different crowds like bands suposed to do
  • what does st. aug have to do with this clip

  • that's cuz that's a song white people know! LOL  Blacks folks don't sing that kind of song loud on no parade route,...lol

    They did play very well last night. Aug and Walker reminded me of pre-katrina days.

    I was proud of them both.

  • See thats what F*** I'm talking about!!! Get the croud buck! Good stuff Walker!!!

  • Yeah, I must say our bands are bringing the noise this year and right on schedule. It would take about 6 years for schools to actually show signs of true recovery. How some people expected schools to sound the same (or better)immediately after a historical storm as they did before the storm only shows the mentality of some nuts.

  • Gotta love it!!! The N.O. is back!!!

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