Ocean vs Boom - Round 2 - 2009

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Pre Game Round 2

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  • Wow.....this DT fella really loves the boom hu......good...........S.O.P.U.C.P.R.Y.C.H.W.T.F.F.T.P.O.P.
  • The rest of the band is KILLING JSU's mello's on "5 on it". Ya'll young school kids need to listen to the actual song....cuz WT is not playing the groove right from the song. WT doesn't suck...at all. They're dayum good. But that's NOT how "5 on it" goes......bones, btones and trpts sound great.
    Sidenote: ya'll sippians doing some str8 corny stuff with them movements....less is better. *snicker
    Ocean: in the beginning- work on the tongueing...make it more distinct. High School sound? SU, come get that YOUNGSTER quickly. The Ocean sounds good. FT...good pocket but see above for WT.
  • Man I try to be unbias as possible but yeah TXSU pushing sound but the Boom is too full and powerful. Big ups to TXSU tubas that's who doing some damage
  • this isn't good at all
  • Txsu just dont have that college sound but they be jamming tho..
  • LOL @ JSt. folks trying hard as hell to hold on to the "sound better than" card. Man, yall are getting spanked...and, the pride is just blinding the heck out of ya.

    TSU- 2....JSt- 0
  • Ni99a please, it's a difference between not blowin and phuckin up. If you think that sound good and "musical" jus cause they have poor tone quality on low notes then that's yo sad azz, I know better though. Anybody that play btone know that that shyt sucked
  • I don't go to TxSU but, they did there thing, I'm just keeping it real...hell JSU thats how the songs goes..who in the hell said you have to start off blowing the living shit out of every song...TxSU made music that day, something JSU use to do...and yes that Mario Just a friend was jammin & YES TxSU is matching JSU sound 4real... JSU big as hell over there... TxSU shouldn't have came close to you all's sound at all...But guess what...THEY DID...FACE IT...and that's a FACT!!!
  • im sorry but from wut i seen from the first an second round JSU not waxin TxSU like some of u making it to be it actually seems as TxSu has the upper edge .
  • You wanna know wat was thin, that trash azz intro to "just a friend". But who cares if the beginning and end sucked, as long as the chords are fat and the beat is kickn let's say it was "jammin" smh
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