O.P. Walker Under the Bridge for Orpheus Parade " A Tribute to Brandon Franklin " 2011

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  • Brandon Franklin was on of their assistants that lost his life because a person with no life shot him he was also a drum major at carver & he loved music one day I thought I was going to see him directing his own band but we lost a gud musician R.I.P. BRANDON FRANKLIN
  • Who was Brandon Franklin?
  • nice tribute


  • at the end what if bands really lined up like that
  • I don't have a problem with the tribute....they just sound horrific! 
  • I don't have a problem with the tribute....they just sound horrific!
  • that was nice yall was there to long lol
  • @2:08 man wtf they btones high as hell!
  • Nice tribute 2 Brandon
  • Great but I bet the ppl behind them was pissed lol
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