that's what drinkin 2 gallons of vodka before a parade will do to your ass. i was so pissed at them fools. but hey they were grown at that point. this is u.a.p.b (krank members) only a few are proviso east alumni. if they were current members of the hitt-squad they ass would've been runnin that same track until every single member passed out. i know because i was the instructor back then.
man i bet dem dudes in tha white wudnt had ran up on no New Orleans band like that,or any otha Louisiana band,wuld have got dey a$$ knocked not discipline
that's what drinkin 2 gallons of vodka before a parade will do to your ass. i was so pissed at them fools. but hey they were grown at that point. this is u.a.p.b (krank members) only a few are proviso east alumni. if they were current members of the hitt-squad they ass would've been runnin that same track until every single member passed out. i know because i was the instructor back then.