Prairie View University/Southern University Grand Opening of 1998

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Bands battling before the dreaded Halftime show!! The tension can be felt!!!

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  • Let me get this straight. This was BEFORE the game right? Anyways, this battle MUST have been intense! Too bad it led to a fight smack dab in the middle off halftime...

    This one looked to be one for the ages!!!!

    Battles will not be like this anymore...not without reprimands from the SWAC office...smh
  • SWAMP! God I missed that SAM where you @ you wrote the hell outta of that!
  • Nice tone PV tubas .Much respect!!!Just a little off on the timing but still good job.
  • I was there.
    This was a funny game.

    "Dance no mo" was a beast
  • That seems like the Old Genesis Fanfare cuz Mellos now come in at the end!!!
    SU fanfare was real nice with the mellos!!
    Swamp is just wow!!! specially Tuba part!!!
  • dem mellos on this is for you..SMH... and they don't dance nomo...a beast!! i have this tape somewhere
  • *In best E-40 voice* Goodness!

    PV's Genesis fanfare was good, but that fanfare SU played was simply outrageous. ...I mean did you hear those mellos/trumpets at the top (not to mention when the rest of the winds came in)? This is a great example of high energy from both bands. Classic footage! thanks for posting.
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