Prairie View Swamp/Bout it Bout it SCG 2009

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PVAMU playing Swamp/ Bout it Bout it vs AAMU swac championship 2009.

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  • bruh that clip is gabbage too.... you REALLY using that as an example. Simply put PV aint got no heat. Texas So was creasing you in this clip.
  • lmfao
  • Yall suck PV.......smh
  • PV high skool lol
  • Ed nobody gives a damn "whats going on".... all we see is the final product... Every band has internal problems....

    btw tell them lame ass drum majors to stop doing 8 counts and conduct the band like they are suppose to.
  • Gordon... You tryna talk like you know what tha fuk is goin on and have no clue what so ever... its not just numbers..
  • out of tune PV...cold or not still....this is suspect i still don't care w/ 6 tbones...
  • some of the band got suspended mostly in the trombone section...thats why they are that small
  • Zooism at its finest. WTF are the drummers doing? Where are they going? lol..........I just don't what to say
  • wtf? where the band at?
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