Previously Unreleased Footage - Texas Southern (2007) - Hit me Baby

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Previously Unreleased Footage - Texas Southern (2007) - Hit me Baby

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  • You know you must be doing something right when the Haters can't wait to comment on your clip. Show's a real sign of "Band Envy" Which really means in the Sub-concious world that they think you are better than them and don't have the balls to admitt it.

    Old School FunkTrain Alum. Fall 88 crab yr.
  • anybody else see that one saxophone crankin?? lol
  • Emilien..u always talking shit...dont let me get on the ZOOness going on over there---->
  • It was probably my clip then, I taped this, lol.
  • Doc this was released....i saw it on video site...
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