PV featuring Milby, Austin, Regan, Skyline, Samuell etc. HS

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High School Senior Day with the Storm at Alcorn game

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  • I love how the Tbones staggar their breathing to  leave no breaks between the bars


  • The problem was that there were so many percussionists that the tubas couldnt hear eachother on the opposite sides...and people werent continuously watching the director...no group of pple is to blame except those who wernt watching Prof keep tempo...
  • TBrock....you are trash! stop hating...yur band sucks...

  • no it was a tempo problem that people in marching band playing the exact arrangement of a song!!! It doesnt matter if they never performed together!! then you played the song for 9 min!! lol Gotta love that PV band!!! lmao
  • Well you had like 400 people, half of who never performed together.  IT was off the chain though
  • lol thats embarrasing! Im just going to blame it on the High SchoolersLOL
  • Dang Milby doing there as always! Good Job Angels And Band!
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