Sam Houston vs Willowridge.......and Milby?? @ Veterans Parade

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battle at 2011 veterans parade

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  • BLOW OUT WILLOWRIDGE no deal... sorry pride wont let me be quiet, but Milby, being a pretty well established program as of the past 6-7 years... and Willowridge with their all new staff of one band director and lack of student leadership, and call me crazy but i still think Da Ridge sounded tha best out of the three... and if nothin else my tuba section held it down, they really tha best high school tuba section in houston, hands down 

  • WIllowridge still has some power.

  • I never thought we (Milby) would have a chance to blow out Willowridge but it happen twice in just one day lol!

  • im sorry but as an alumni of da ridge i wanna cry right now

  • even though they smaller im still proud of Da Ridge My tuba section still is on top!! RIP Mr Thornton!

  • milby nice!..willowridge too

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