She Came To Give It To You - Comparison Study(ASU, Alcorn, SU, TxSU, PVAMU)

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SWAC Comparision of She came to give it to you... Video credits to HBCUBANDS, Zymbolistic, and myself! Subscribe to them all

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  • Black Foxes: Loved the routine, used some BF standard moves, very crisp, energetic

    Stingettes: Stepped up big time; routine even tried out some technical moves, crisp and energetic

    Golden Girls: Showed out, a little mess up here and there but a great show

    Motion: Could be better with some renovation and cleaning up; a bit more energy too.

    Dolls: -_- I hope that routine was forgotten immediately! This routine kinda made me mad...I know they can do better than that. I applaud them for trying something different but it didn't display well.

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