Southern University Human Jukebox Boombox Classic 2013 "Holy Grail"

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SU vs JSU Boombox Classic 2013 Southern University Human Jukebox Fall 2013 Be sure to watch in HD!!!!!!!! Thank you for watching and please subscribe. Be sur...

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  • they must have a lot of freshmen trumpets,it WAS loud,but you barely hear the trumpets,kinda like JSU sounded last year,but it was loud

  • Doesn't give me chills like JSU does.
    It's nice though. But not a wow factor (mainly because of that happy ass tuba break).
    And old dude messed up this clip. People will forever hear him come in too early lol this 5th will get thousands of views. I hope he's not a crab.
  • People are gonna have their opinions, but one thing is for certain, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is seeing Haymer.  This in person was so intense, after they finished Mumford sounded like SU had just scored a touchdown.  

  • Flag on play

  • *thin

  • so they must be guilty of arranging a song for an opponent. that really wasn't that good. Power was the best attempt of southern arranging songs just because jsu played it first. Haymer is a great writer but that attempt was slaw as well as how he tries to over direct shit. SU has fans because people dislike the boom thats the funniest part about all this lol. no trumpets finally got 20  tubas and they still then and in order to hit the high notes you went half brass half fiberglass. do i need to continue on why su sucks? since yall are such big competitors put the boom in front of you and stop with the corner shit. if jsu stuck SU in the corner these jukes would have a field of day comments

  • SU is guilty of 1st degree murder. Jsu just made the episode of first 48.
  • Got Damn Haymer!!!!!
  • this is powerful but its too much

  • Dam i loved jsu version till i heard this

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