Southern University - "Love The Way U Lie" 2010

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Southern University playing "Love The Way U Lie" @ the 2010 Boombox Classic. Recorded on Droid X by Motorola.

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  • listen to all those wrong notes... and all the SKATING!!!... lol yall suck
  • LOL, he said Blanket over them.
  • lmao at the guy below me...
    So i guess all the clips of us from across the field cutting through are bs clips hunh....
    gtf outta here...
  • at da game i aint hear sound like yall niggas had a blanket over yall...none of dis super shit dey goin fa was heard across da field bro..none...but dis happens every year...i get on bandhead and hear a totally different southern then i heard at da game..
  • lol @JY trumoets non existent across the field? when every clip posted from across the field you can clearly hear them

    you jax35 members never cease to amaze with your failed rhetoric
  • oh no bro...SU trumpets sound horrible...damn near non existent across da field and terrible up close wit da tunin slide all da way in and dem shallow ass mouthpieces
  • KY...I guess thats your way of saying SU trumpets sound good. All close up clips I've seen of JSU from this game sounds horrible.
  • i wonder y spooh trumpets waste all dat lip goin fa shit dat dont make it across da field...i think dey play more fa close up clips oppose to havin power and and pushin dat shit across da field...but hey to each its own..
  • SU's was better
  • Thanks man. Actually I just found out there's a setting on it to record "louder than normal live music" that wasn't on when I recorded Saturday. Im curious to know what the difference in sound is...IKR @ Kamal.
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