St. Aug. Alumni Band "In The Stone"

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Ok lets get this out the way. We lost control, so with that said this is not your typical St. Aug. sound. It's the alumni band.

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  • that sound is great,old friends coming together.whats up agulard?? 7 ward hardhead..them men from troy..1975
  • ooooooooooooooooooooo lawd they cole !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LOL, It didn't sound that way from where I was standing!!!!!!!!!! Cause Shannon was trying to hit that super "C" the whole song!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL.......think he got it on the last note. But it was fun though!!!!!!! Marching 100 for Life. R.I.P. Mr. Hamp
  • I see them trumpets aint lost it!!!!
  • Somebody call 911! I think hear somebody screaming! (LOL) Yall relax. It's the Alums having fun and that's what it's all about. Wish I could have been there in person.
  • this sounds good for an ALUMNI band
  • Hey Que, it's a good thing you made that comment, because once people find out that this is St. Aug, they can hardly wait to post a negative comment. But for an alumni band, you really souldn't expect it to sound much better. LOL!
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