St. Aug "Moves Like A Jagger" & O.P. Walker "We Don't Speed" Alla 2012

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Krewe of Alla 2012

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  • Evertybody wanna talk about the fact that we "wanna be" like southern but nobody ever recognize a band with majority 9-10 graders is college arrangments ! its all hate ..

  • If they cleaned it up.

  • Love the upright baritones! OG style!
  • Imma keep it Real.. St. Aug Always Been St.Aug with their own Style,, The S.U. Syndrome Came from Kennedy( the baby U),. Every band In New Orleans was After Kennedy and St.Aug,  given the fact they Both set the bar and the stage in New Orleans..Now with Katrina and the Fall of Kennedy, Every Band is trying to Become the Baby U as Kennedy was. and By Kennedy having that (Old) Southern style. Bands now believe they can just mock Southern today and that's all it takes..

  • Let me be the first to say that shit is NOT tolerated, and to look at 99.5% of the band swinging correct only to pick out two and make a comment about Hamps legacy is wrong. If you were around or even ask any band member about us particularly targeting the drum sec. about that you would know that it is not tolerated. I didn't like it when i saw it pre-katrina and i don't like it now.
  • ya'll too funny...smdh


  • Man I am keeping it 100
  • LOL @kena... This negro is in the confession booth with the preist, "Bless me father for I have sin." Just joking bruh, it's cool though. Whats done is done, and you guys were still a very good band. 

  • Man I ain't gonna I was second to the end on the left side 2000 under the bridge playin crush that year I played tube and I was one the one marching like SU like dude saide that was only under the bridge and fields approve it.
  • The whole West Bank besides Walker is JSU based lol but yes the other half of the city besides them wants to be SU 

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